Settings - Tray & OSD - OSD Script
OSD line to display
What you want to display in the OSD you can enter here, you can enter anything you want as long as you remember these and rules/options
- normal text will appear on the screen using the default color and font displaying what ever you type in
- There are a lot of special syntax's that will put a value of MBM 5 on the screen, most of these commands exist twice, once to display that specific value using all the formating mbm normaly uses (degree symbol, C or F symbol, RPM, Volt. ect. etc.) and once to display or send only that specific value without any formating (the stripped version in the table below), this last option is best used in the special display syntax which will be explain further down. But first here is a list of normal display syntax and their stripped counter part:
Formated Stripped Explenation <Temp X Name> TxN Send the name of temperature sensor X (where X is between 1..10) <Temp X Value> TxV Send the current value of temperature sensor X (where X is between 1..10) <Temp X Alarmhigh> TxAH Send the alarm high limit of temperature sensor X (where X is between 1..10) <Temp X Alarmlow> TxAL Send the alarm low limit of temperature sensor X (where X is between 1..10) <Temp X Lowest> TxL Send the lowest value of temperature sensor X (where X is between 1..10) <Temp X Highest> TxH Send the highest value of temperature sensor X (where X is between 1..10) <Temp X Average> TxAV Send the average value of temperature sensor X (where X is between 1..10) <Volt X Name> VxN Send the name of voltage sensor X (where X is between 1..7) <Volt X Value> VxV Send the current value of voltage sensor X (where X is between 1..7) <Volt X Alarm> VxAL Send the alarm value of voltage sensor X (where X is between 1..7) <Volt X Lowest> VxL Send the lowest value of voltage sensor X (where X is between 1..7) <Volt X Highest> VxH Send the highest value of voltage sensor X (where X is between 1..7) <Volt X Average> VxAV Send the average value of voltage sensor X (where X is between 1..7) <Fan X Name> FxN Send the name of fan sensor X (where X is between 1..10) <Fan X Value> FxV Send the current value of fan sensor X (where X is between 1..10) <Fan X Alarm> FxAL Send the alarm value of fan sensor X (where X is between 1..10) <Fan X Lowest> FxL Send the lowest value of fan sensor X (where X is between 1..10) <Fan X Highest> FxH Send the highest value of fan sensor X (where X is between 1..10) <Fan X Average> FxAV Send the average value of fan sensor X (where X is between 1..10) <CPU Load X Name> CLxN Send the name of CPU X (where X is between 0..3) <CPU Load X Value> CLxV Send the current value of CPU X (where X is between 0..3) <CPU Load X Lowest> CLxL Send the lowest value of CPU X (where X is between 0..3) <CPU Load X Highest> CLxH Send the highest value of CPU X (where X is between 0..3) <CPU Load X Average> CLxAV Send the average value of CPU X (where X is between 0..3) <CPU 1 Name> C1N CPU Name <CPU 1 Speed> C1S CPU Speed <Time> Current Time <Date> Current Date <Number of Readouts> Number of readouts done /* /* To start a section of your script you don't want shown */ */ To send a section of your script you don't want shown <Uptime> Uptime of the system <PCName> Name of the system <InternetIP> Internet IP number <LanIP> Lan IP number <MemLoad> Specifies a number between 0 and 100 that gives a general idea of current memory utilization, in which 0 indicates no memory use and 100 indicates full memory use. <MemTotalPhys> Indicates the total number of MB of physical memory. <MemAvailPhys> Indicates the number of MB of physical memory available. <MemTotalPage> Indicates the total number of MB that can be stored in the paging file. Note that this number does not represent the actual physical size of the paging file on disk <MemAvailPage> Indicates the number of MB available in the paging file. <MemTotalVirt> Indicates the total number of MB that can be described in the user mode portion of the virtual address space of the calling process. <MemAvailVirt> Indicates the number of MB of unreserved and uncommitted memory in the user mode portion of the virtual address space of the calling process.
- as an example for the above commands:
A simple line using the format syntax
my <Temp 2 Name> is at this moment <Temp 2 Value>, the highest it has been today is <Temp 2 Highest>
the above will appear on the OSD as:
my CPU is at this moment 52░C, the highest it has been today is 61░C
however the same line using the stripped command it will look like this:
my T2N is at this moment T2V, the highest it has been today is T2H
and this will appear on the OSD as:
my CPU is at this moment 52, the highest it has been today is 61
- now as I explained above there also is a special display syntax, which Stig has implemented in the OSD unit, it might be a bit tricky but if you experiment a little you should be okay. Remember to always send the stripped command syntax along if you want to send a MBM value with these display syntaxes.
<TEXT COLOR Color of the following text COLOR CONSTANT
#XXXXXX = HEX VALUE OF COLORWIDTH Width of the text (used for alignning) INTEGER SHADOW Text shadow ON | OFF CURRENT Current value for the below evaluasions INTEGER (stripped command syntax: T1V to send Temp sensor 1 his value) WARNLIMITLOW If CURRENT is below this value use WARNCOLOR as color INTEGER or stripped command syntax WARNLIMITHIGH If CURRENT is exeeding this limit use WARNCOLOR as color INTEGER or stripped command syntax WARNCOLOR Warning Color of text COLOR CONSTANT
#XXXXXX = HEX VALUE OF COLORERRORLIMITLOW If CURRENT is below this value use ERRORCOLOR as color INTEGER or stripped command syntax ERRORLIMITHIGH If CURRENT is exeeding this limit use ERRORCOLOR as color INTEGER or stripped command syntax ERRORCOLOR Error Color of text COLOR CONSTANT
#XXXXXX = HEX VALUE OF COLOR<TAB NUMBER Number of tabs, Default = 1 INTEGER > <BR HEIGHT Addtional height to line break, Default = 0 INTEGER >
- This might seem a bit much and complicated so below is a small demonstration of how this can be used, we presume for this example that your default text color is set to black.
The below syntax:
Will appear like this on the screen:
At this moment my CPU is 52░C
You will now think but hey!, I can do this much simpler, why all the extra stuff, well the extra stuff is used to create the effect that if the CPU temp drops below or reaches above the set alarm values in MBM the color will change from it's current red to fuchsia
For those of you who still don't fully get it lets explore the line step by step:
1) At this moment my // simple text that will appear in black since that was the default color
2) <TEXT COLOR=clBLUE> // lets change the color for the next text in blue
3) <TEMP 2 NAME> // send the MBM temp name along, it will appear in blue because of the command mentioned in 2)
4) <TEXT COLOR=clBlack> // we want the next text to be in black again
5) is // again simple text and it will appear in black since we said it should in command 4
6a) <TEXT COLOR=clRED // part 1 of this command, we want the next text in red
6b) CURRENT=T2V // part 2 of this command, we send along the MBM value for temp sensor 2 and as you can see we send it in it's stripped down style, as we only want the number
6c) WARNLIMITLOW=T2AL // part 3 of this command, here we say that the low warn limit is the same as the MBM low alarm value for temp sensor 2. Again as you can see we send along the stripped value. T2AL can also be replaced by any number you want
6d) WARNLIMITHIGH=T2AH // part 4 of this command, here here we say that the low warn limit is the same as the MBM high alarm value for temp sensor 2. Again as you can see we send along the stripped value. T2AH can also be replaced by any number you want
6e) WARNCOLOR=clFUCHSIA> // the last part of the command, here we give the warn color. Now if the current value is between the high and low limits then the next text will be displayed in the color red as was the 1st part of the command. However if the current value is lower the then the low limit or higher then the high limit the next text will be on the color Fuchsia.
7)<TEMP 2 VALUE> // to finally show the temp 2 value, the color is determined by 6a to 6e